Hello blogosphere and sports fans alike. Recently, I have started writing for my university's newspaper The Torch and we really need to thank journalists for all of the hard work that they do. Just scooping out information; people in offices give you an attitude as if you're doing something wrong. Yeah ok......... sorry for trying to inform the student body and professors throughout the university on important news and events happening. It really makes me think about all the effort that journalists in all natures and topics put into their work; it doesn't matter if it is a short, medium, or an article of longer length.
Especially when it comes to writing sports articles; think about all the knowledge a sports writer has to know. From the basic sport itself, the rules, players, opponents, leagues, sports broadcasters, coaches, to marketing individuals, and any other person who is involved within a sports team in someway. That is the easy part. The hard part is actually writing the article for what really happened while adding a personality to it and keeping validity at 100%. It's not easy folks, so whenever you do read articles in a newspaper and want to judge the writer for whatever reason; you try doing what they do on a daily basis. That is all folks. As always, thanks for reading and for taking the time out of your day to keep up with my blog. I'm truly blessed! :)
Congrats on being the writer for the university's newspaper The Torch. I'm so proud of you. Keep up the good work. That's terrible hun. You are just writing whatever you want. I mean come on now. Yes I agree with you hun. I always take the time to read your blog and comment. That is what I do. I love your blog hun. Keep up the good work. Besides I'm the only one commenting on your blog anyway. No one else is doing it.